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August 2, 20180

What do you expect to do within your time on this earth? What do you expect from others in your life that can impact your thoughts and processes? Is it
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Disappointment. Madness. Pain. Hate.

Disappointment. Madness. Pain. Hate.

July 23, 20180

Life is a continuous cycle of emotion. You may think you can control it, but you cannot. People, weather, animals, well-being, wealth, kids, parents, and so on and so on.
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Some days work better than others (the what, who, and why)

Some days work better than others (the what, who, and why)

July 22, 20180

What do you look forward to? Who do you look up to? Who you choose to live up to, living or not? Why do you give thanks? That’s where you
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Sleeping is your chance to live beyond your means

Sleeping is your chance to live beyond your means

July 21, 20180

How awesome is it to dream? To be within yourself and do things you would never do in real life. It’s pretty bad ass to feel that type of power
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Break a sweat to better your life

Break a sweat to better your life

July 21, 20180

Some people feel that life is just a paycheck. It’s clocking in to do some work and then paying for what you signed up for. That’s not life. That’s not
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July 20, 20180

Disappointment…..it happens. What can you learn from that? What can you make better? What can you choose to change in your regular life? That’s all about you. Whether it be
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This little thing called “life”

This little thing called “life”

July 20, 20180

This little thing we call life is taxing. You can live with the feeling that you should be better, you should be more successful, you should be a better person.
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Joy and Life’s Celebrations

Joy and Life’s Celebrations

July 3, 20180

You need to celebrate your life. Whether you’re sick or healthy you have a chance to breathe, to live, to see the next day. That gives us purpose. That gives
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